
Looking for something small, zippy and nimble? Then this is not the craft for you. If, however you plan a few months cruising the northern shores of Europe, you probably will not find a better boat. Purpose-made to suit Mr. Paweł Napierała and his truly different take on the holiday. Pawel reports that this kajak is the best he has had. We managed to get a little bit of magic into this little contraption. 7 metres long and only one metre wide, this boat can reach a surprising pace and couples the displacement of a large canoe with the lightness of a bajdarka. An acquired taste and an adventurer’s dream.
If you would prefer something speedier, we also make a myriad of fast, light kayaks to the plans of leading, world famous designers.

Pan Paweł Napierała we własnej osobie. Więcej informacji na temat Jego wypraw można odnaleźć na stronie www.kaylantic.pl.